Temporary presentation

Temporary presentation

As of 2 June, a wealth of stories from the history of the Buurkerk, home to Museum Speelklok, will be unveiled. Common Utrecht folk have been coming to this church since the year 1000.

The Buurkerk (neighbours’ church) seems immortal, shrinking and growing, surviving fires, attacks and even the Reformation. Soon, the church was lovingly referred to as ‘ecclesia civilis’, or church for the people – a neighbourhood church. Now it’s high time it received some well-deserved attention!

During your visit to At home in the Buurkerk, a thousand years of history under one roof, you will discover the church’s fascinating history through many historical stories and objects.

Pillar of the community
As a true pillar of the Utrecht community, the Buurkerk has seen many different kinds of use. It connected the north to the south as an important traffic artery, and it also served as a cemetery, wedding location, hay storage, bakery and even as a stable during the French occupation. It saw demonstrations against the Vietnam war, and it served as a hub for handing out ration stamps during World War II. A specially constructed cell was home to the walled-in Suster Bertken (Sister Bertken) for 57 years and since the 1980s, the church has been home to Museum Speelklok. Welcome to the Buurkerk!

You are able to visit the presentation from 2 June 2019 through 5 January 2020.

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