Museum Speelklok's mission is to inspire everyone with the technical marvel of music machines, using the universal appeal of music.

Our vision
A world where there is music in technology
There is a fascinating world behind Museum Speelklok’s historic music machines. A world where there is music in technology. From its collection, Museum Speelklok makes a positive contribution towards dealing with three major social developments: digitisation, globalisation and individualisation.
- Digitisation is making the world around us increasingly elusive. Museum Speelklok presents mechanical technology and craftmanship and connects the mechanical and digital worlds. Museum Speelklok inspires people to take matters into their own hands. Through technical ingenuity, you can make the most beautiful things and solve the most difficult problems.
- Globalisation is increasing interest in authenticity and value creation; Museum Speelklok presents unique cultural heritage in a contemporary context and inspires everyone worldwide to become a creator themselves.
- Individualisation has loosened social bonds; through music, Museum Speelklok offers diverse groups in society the opportunity to connect with each other.
Who is who
The Museum Speelklok team consists of 21 fte of full-time employees and 6 fte of on-call employees.
Management team
- Marian van Dijk, Director
- Connie van Bruggen-van den Hoek, Head of Finance & Human Resources
- Ebelin Boswinkel, Head of Presentation & Education
- Stan van Zadelhof, Head of Operations
- Akkie Groen, Head of Marketing & Communications
Supervisory board
The Supervisory Board follows the Cultural Governance Code. This code stands for good governance, adequate supervision and transparent accountabilty.
- Merida Steba, chairperson
- Raphaël Nouwen
- Saskia van Dockum
- Stephan Linnenbank
- Bart Timmermans-Craenen
- Tsui-Saen Leung
- Hans Hooijmaijers
Board of the Stichting Vrienden Museum Speelklok
- Sanne Dijkgraaf, chairperson
- Joost Wagenaar, secretary
- Ronald van Maldegem, treasurer
- Willemijn Raymakers-de Koning
- Rogier Wagenaar